
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


The presentation view of your plan now displays the initiatives attached to each outcome. This will make it much easier to understand the state of the work in progress for each of the goals in the platform.
We've also added the list of initiatives to the embed views (for Notion, Confluence, and more).
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We've improved the layout of initiatives in Tability to make it easier, and we've also added the support for links! You can now link to external resources that will support the work you need to do on the initiatives.
It's now much easier to customise workflows by hiding or renaming initiative states.
  1. Go to
    Workspace settings
  2. Click on the visibility toggle next to each state to show/hide it in your workspace.
  3. Rename states if needed
  4. Click
    to apply your changes
These changes will automatically adjust the columns available in the Kanban view of your plans, and it will also update the list of states available for initiative transitions.
Something new for you! Tability will now automatically detect the type of goals that you're setting and adjust the target accordingly.
Learn more about this new feature in our docs.
You can now connect Linear issues and projects to Tability! The new integration will allow you to work in your Linear instance and have issues and projects automatically updated for you.
Check out the docs to learn more.
We've added new filters to the Strategy Map. You can customise the view to only show plans belonging to a certain team, or that have a specific status or timeline.
  • You can now properly indent text multiple times in rich text fields.
  • We've updated the email invite form to allow you to add easily invite multiple users.
  • Contributors now receiving notifications when check-ins are due.
We've improved the layout of your focus page to make sure that contributing outcomes and contributing initiatives can be visible on page load.
We've also adjusted the weekly reminders logic to make sure that contributors are also notified when check-ins are due for outcome where they are listed as a contributor.
We've just released new improvements allowing you to expand dependent outcomes/KRs to see the list of corresponding initiatives.
This going to increase visibility on planning, allowing you to quickly see what teams are doing to contribute to the parent goal.
Watching a plan is a simple way to keep up with progress updates. You'll receive notifications when check-ins are published, and will also get a weekly health digest in your inbox.
We just added the ability to manage plan watchers, to let you add the key stakeholders that should be informed.
You'll find the list of watchers in the sidebar of your plan dashboard, and you can simply click on
manage watchers
to add or remove people from the list.
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